The Consortium is open to all test and measurement companies, and participation
by industry/university professionals, systems integrators, and government representatives
is also highly encouraged. Membership is divided into four levels: Strategic, Participating,
Informational and University. Feel free to Contact Us
with any questions that you may have regarding LXI or becoming a member.
Annual Dues
- $7,500 for a Strategic Member (Board membership, voting privileges, all Participating
member benefits)
- $5,000 for a Participating Member (voting privileges, all Informational member benefits)
- $2,500 for an Informational Member (building LXI products, conformance testing,
trademark use, participation in all working groups, face-to-face meetings, internal
documents, participating in all promotional activities)
- $500 for a University Member (same benefits as Informational members at a lower
academic dues rate)
How to join the LXI Consortium