The LXI Consortium has certified more than 2172 instruments in over 231 product families since the specifications were first released in September 2005. Some of the recent LXI product introductions are highlighted below (in order of submission):
Hitech HTLX3730A: LXI 100MSPS Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The HTLX3730A is a 100Ms/s arbitrary waveform generator featuring 43MHz maximum output rate (sine) and up to 256MB of onboard memory.
Spectrum Digitizer DN2.4xx
The digitizerNETBOX DN2.46x series allows recording of one, two, four, eight or 16 synchronous channels with sampling rates of 200 kS/s up to 3 MS/s.
Tektronix AWG AWG70000A
The need for high-performance arbitrary waveform generation is broad and spans a wide array of applications. The industry-leading AWG70000A Series arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) represents the cutting edge in performance, sample rate, signal fidelity, and waveform memory.
Agilent 34461A Digital Multimeter, 6½ Digit, 34401A Replacement, Truevolt DMM
Display DMM results in ways you never have before
Color, graphical display with built-in bar chart, histogram, trend, math, and statistics
I/O: USB, LAN/LXI, GPIB (optional)
DMM Connectivity Utility software enables control, capture and views of your DMM's data on your PC or mobile device with a single click
Tabor Electronics Signal Sources - High Speed AWGs
The WaveXciter Series can generate literally any waveform, at frequencies up to 1GHz with 8 digits of resolution and 1 point granularity.
R&S FSW50 Signal and Spectrum Analyzer
The R&S FSW50 signal and spectrum analyzer characterizes wideband signals continuously up to 50 GHz.