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Ethernet Benefits Combined with Mandatory Conformance Testing Drive Demand for LXI in Automated Test Systems

by Jessy Cavazos, Industry Director
Test & Measurement
, Frost & Sullivan

As the next-generation control interface for box instrumentation, the LAN eXtension for Instrumentation (LXI) standard has witnessed significant adoption among instrument vendors since its introduction in 2005. Research performed by Frost & Sullivan estimates that the market reached $644.0 million in 2012, representing a significant percentage of the total market revenues in the automated test market.


Over the next few years, several factors are expected to fuel demand for LXI instrumentation; among them, the benefits from Ethernet and specific aspects of the LXI standard such as the conformance testing required.


LXI for Collider Signal Monitoring at CERN

by David Owen
Pickering Interfaces

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, has come to the forefront of public attention recently with the discovery of the Higgs boson – the so called God’s particle. CERN operates a high energy collider 100m under the Swiss and French border near Geneva to explore the boundaries of high energy physics. It is high energy physics on a huge scale, matched by no other facility in the world.

The collider operates a pair of counter- rotating particle rings which have crossovers at four experiment sites where particles crash from opposite directions into each other and create the signatures that indicate the presence of short lived particles, and that has recently included the Higgs.



I.T. Challenges for LXI-based Test Systems

by Conrad Proft
Proft InFocus LLC

Building an LXI-based Test System involves planning and includes meeting the Test System requirements and company LAN access requirements. 

Without understanding both sets of requirements prior to assembling the LXI Devices into a particular LAN Configuration,  you run the risk of non-optimal Test System communication, wasted time troubleshooting, and potentially violating company policies with regard to LAN Security. 

The LXI Consortium has created three documents to help reduce or eliminate these risks, which are located at GuidesForUsingLxi.

  • LXI Getting Started Guide
  • Building LXI-based Test Systems
  • Introducing LXI to your Network Administrator

The LXI Getting Started Guide helps the first-time user understand the behavior of LXI Devices when connecting to LAN.  Building LXI-based Test Systems and Introducing LXI to your Network Administrator contain illustrations and guidelines for combining multiple LXI Devices and connecting them to the company LAN.   They are written for the Test System Developer and the Network Administrator, respectively, with the goal of cooperation to achieve desired outcomes.

This article discusses a real-life project team that built an LXI-based Test System.   They did not have the benefit of these documents as a basis to plan their Test System LAN Configuration and had to discover and overcome these LAN challenges on their own.



Thanks to all our readers.
Bob Helsel, Editor


LXI Consortium Reaches
Major Milestone!


New LXI Products

The LXI Consortium has certified more than 2172 instruments in over 231 product families since the specifications were first released in September 2005. Some of the recent LXI product introductions are highlighted below (in order of submission):

Tabor Electronics Signal Sources - High Speed AWGs
The WaveXciter Series can generate literally any waveform, at frequencies up to 1GHz with 8 digits of resolution and 1 point granularity.

R&S FSW50 Signal and Spectrum Analyzer
The R&S FSW50 signal and spectrum analyzer characterizes wideband signals continuously up to 50 GHz.

Kepco Series KLN Power Supplies
The Kepco Series KLN is a new family of automatic crossover, low-profile, high-performance, low-cost programmable power supplies.

Magna-Power Electronics
TS Series IV Power Supplies

80 Different Models: Voltage Range: Up to 4000 Vdc; Current Range: Up to 2700 Adc; Enclosure: Rack-mount, 3U to 9U

Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series DSO and MSO Oscilloscopes
Industry’s fastest 1,000,000 waveforms/sec update rate; MegaZoom IV uncompromised smart memory technology; standard segmented memory.


LXI Conference - Beijing, China
May 22, 2013

This conference will focus on technical challenges and solutions for connecting instrumentation via the network and demonstrate how these are addressed using LXI. The conference will feature a trade show for LXI Consortium members to demonstrate their latest LXI products and feature sets.


LXI Consortium
The Chinese Institute of Electronics
The China Instrument and Control Society
RIGOL Technologies

To register for the conference, go to http://www.lxistandard.asia.

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PO Box 1016; Niwot, CO 80544